





I. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)


— Is this a ruler?

— _.

A. Yes, that is B. Yes, this is C. Yes, it is D. Yes, he is— Do you want _ swimming with us, Jack?

— Sure.

A. to go B. going C. go D. goesHere _ some new pens.

A. is B. are C. am D. beSorry, this sweater is too small _ me.

A. to B. for C. with D. orLet’s _ our homework first.

A. do B. doing C. does D. to doWe usually do _ homework in the evening.

A. we B. one’s C. me D. our— _ dress is this, Danny?

— It’s my dress.

A. Who B. Who’s C. Whose D. What pants on my bed.

A. A pair of; are B. Pair of; is C. A pair of; is D. Pair of; areMy father likes listening _ English songs.

A. to B. at C. with D. inLi Lei’s words make her _. Look! She’s laughing.

A. happy B. sad C. angry D. sick— Would you like some milk or tea?

— _.

A. Yes, please B. No, I’m full C. Yes, I do D. Milk, pleaseHow many _ are there on the table?

A. meat B. fish C. chicken D. applesMay I have some _, Tom?

A. bottle of coke B. bottles of coke C. bottle of cokes D. bottle of cokesThere _ little food in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some pears, carrots and cabbages.

A. is B. are C. has D. have— We need books about Beijing Opera.

— Sorry. We don’t have now.

A. some; some B. any; some C. some; any D. any; any



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